The Return of the King
Yes, I know … incredibly egotistical. Screw you. I’m back. 🙂
And hey … ya never know. Maybe “New Music Friday” is the king. Certainly could be, right? In fact, let’s go with that.
Now that I’m back amongst the employed (read: making money), of course I had to go to Graywhale. Lookie what I found, folks. Good stuff!
- The Dears – Gang of Losers
- The Child Who Was a Keyhole – In the Faxed Atmosphere
- Tiffany Anders – Funny Cry Happy Gift\
- Annuals – Be He Me
- Arab Strap – Monday at the Hug and Pint
- The Early November – The Mother, the Mechanic, and the Path
Good haul! ALL of these were between $2-3 with my KW card discount. Yah, you read that right. $2 to $3 per CD. Amazon isn’t even that good, even if you can find the same CDs for one cent. The most promising look to be The Early November and The Dears, but I’m betting they’re all awesome. Guess we’ll see.
“So, where’ve you been? You haven’t written anything in, you know … forever.”
You are correct. I went off the radar for a bit. Things came up. Sorry! I still have to live life, ya know?
Anyway, listening to The Dears. I’ll write a review later.