New Look Coming Up

So, initially, I thought I’d like the white-on-black look. It’s getting old, even for me. Not to mention the fact that I’ve actually had readers comment on the eye strain it causes them, which … you know … isn’t the point of a blog to be able to actually read it?

In college, I had a professor who eschewed every form of creativity when it came to document design if it wasn’t purely “black text, white back ground, 1″ margins, san-serif heading, serif body text.” Made for very, very boring posters, flyers, or … anything.

To some small degree, there is wisdom in the blandness. The point of a blog is to read it–not obfuscate the text or, more importantly, the message. However, I do enjoy experimenting with backgrounds, text fonts and colors, etc. The current css scheme just fit well, especially with the logo.

However, I am indeed working on a redesign that should provide a much more visually appealing design. Mostly just in the colors, but there may be some other tweaks coming down the pike as well. Guess you’ll have to wait and see.

Thanks everybody for stopping by!

EDIT: I threw up a “borrowed” WordPress theme for now. It’ll suffice for now, and it’s at least more legible until I can get my new theme up and running.

The Theme of This Post Is …


So I have been tinkering with some theme modification ideas. I like a lot of the themes that are out there, but none of them are “me.” So I’m working on my own. The theme you see before you right now is very much a WIP. If I had access to Photoshop, it would be infinitely cooler. However, it’s something I’m working on and will continue to work on throughout the evening. As in, now. Anyway, just thought I’d tinker with the page some and give it a somewhat new feel. I’m trying to streamline my twitter and blog pages so there’s a similar look to each. We’ll see how that goes.

© 2025 A Theme