Cold and Rainy

So, i’m in the gateway district in downtown Salt Lake. It’s frickin’ freezing out here. The thing of it all is that there is a lot of ambient noise going on: rain, splashing puddles, passing cars, there’s some kind of music coming from somewhere, but it’s barely discernable over everything else. The lady parked directly in front of me is getting her daughter squared away for … something. Work? School? whatever it is, The girl is in a seriously misguided, weather-inappropriate plaid miniskirt and white t-shirt, and I can’t help but wonder why. It’s no more than 40 degrees out here. Oh well. The things some people do.

It’s an awesome September send-off.


  1. There is nothing like the sound of rain. So relaxing!!! That girl is going to be in for a shock. She is going to freeze to death!!! Speaking of rain, how many songs can you find about rain and by whom? Love you!!

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  2. Awesome superb post bud. I’ve had a blast reading your posts and have found them awesome. Keep up the posting!

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  3. Thanks, Margaret! I hope you enjoy the rest of the blog. 🙂

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