Indiegogo Campaign: Help Samantha Crain Get a New Guitar

Okay … now I’m just pissed. How does someone steal a guitar out of someone’s car?

Stay classy, Columbus.

Anyway, I’ve started an indiegogo campaign to get her some funds for a new guitar. She works herself to the core to make her music–often working jobs around her town to support her efforts. She cannot buy a new guitar every time someone steals hers.

Oh … did I mention that this is the 2nd time in 6 months that this has happened? Yah.

So I’m hoping this little campaign helps her. If not, I tried. Her music is incredible, and she’s a great person all-around. She deserves some help.

Help her, folks. She could use a solid.

1 Comment

  1. Do you need Sam’s address to send the Money to her???????

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